Your Favourite Properties

Here are your favourited properties

How to use 'Your favourites'

This is a new feature we’ve added. It allows you to ‘favourite‘ any given property. 

This way you can view all the properties you are interested in.

When viewing all properties in a list (such as viewing all 2 bedroom properties), each property will have a heart icon next to it.

The icon will either be coloured grey (not favourited) or pink (favourited). You can click the icon from there.

Additionally, when viewing the details of a property, you can click on the ‘Add to favourites’ or the ‘Remove from favourites‘ button found on each property page to add or remove it to/from your favourites.

Send your favourites to yourself, or friend, in an email.

You can send yourself, or a friend an email which will contain links to these properties.

Below are the properties we will send in the email.
No favourites found